Meditation and energy Healing Practitioner Course

How to become a powerful energy healer through Meditation & Reiki and change lives

These courses are right for you if:-

*You are ready to begin a career that is in full alignment with your higher purpose

*You are new to energy healing and meditation and want to take the next step in order to develop your skills and knowledge with the above courses.  The energy healing and meditation courses can be studied in person on a one to one basis, or online via zoom chat all from the comfort of your own home.

*You are already a professional in medicine, a coach or a therapist and wish to incorporate these skills into your practice.

*You are a Reiki practitioner, planning on advancing from existing levels (1,2 or 3) up to level 4 – Master Teacher.

*You would like to include Meditation Leader and Coach to your existing practice as a professional Energy Healer’

*Simply click on the button below, fill out the contact form and we will have a chat 

I look forward to walking this part of your journey with you.


Bright Blessings


Questions or Comments?

You’ll be contacted within 24 hours for your free consultation

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