Many Wellness Advocates will tell you if you wait longer than 5 days to follow up, you’ve already lost an enrolment. It doesn’t matter if someone has enroled or not, personally contact them and see what they thought about the class and the specific oils you talked about.

But, how can you easily follow up after a class?

Many Advocates will host a raffle to be collected at the end of the class. The raffle includes a questionnaire, giving them insight to what the person thought of the class, if they’d like to host a class, and what oils interest them. You’ll also want to collect each person’s contact info in case you don’t already have it. Once the raffles are collected and the class over, Wellness Advocates can use the answers and easily follow up.

Personally reach out and follow up with those who came to your event. It’s one thing to send a mass text after the class, but remember, it’s all about caring. Your enthusiasm for the oils allows others to ready themselves to jump aboard with you.

You may also want to add in continuing education for those who purchased oils, like giving various tips on how to use them in their homes and lives. This will help those who may still be skeptic to become more comfortable in using oils and sharing their experiences with others.

*It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved. 

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